Township Garage
13639 LeRoy Center Rd.
LeRoy Township, OH 44077
(440) 254-4601 Option #3
The Road and Service Department provides service and maintenance of township roads, parks, and cemeteries.
The following 22 miles of township roads that are under their jurisdiction are Abby, Autumn, Baker, Callow, Chadwick, Eaglebrook, Edgebrook, Horizon, Indian Point, Jennings, Jodi, Lester, Maggie, Mildon, Monte, North End LeRoy Center, Piney Hollow, Proctor, Radcliffe, Rustic, Seeley, Shirley, Spring, Sumner, Taylor and Valentine.
On any Leroy Township owned road you are not permitted to enclose or pipe in your ditch. This is for road drainage purposes. Any enclosed or piped in ditch that’s not in compliance with ORC 5571.14 will be removed by Leroy Township at the cost of the homeowner.
Leroy Township Board of Trustees
Any township roads listed above are required to have a driveway permit for a culvert replacement or a new culvert install to be installed by the Leroy Township Service Department.
Please contact the Service Department Supervisor for a culvert permit and installation price.
Phone: (440) 254-4601 Option #3
Please view the resolution below:
Why donate?
- Reduce waste in landfills
- Clothing used worldwide
- Tax deductible
The only items accepted are: all clothing, shoes, sneakers, belts, purses, blankets, towels, sheets, pillowcases, curtains and stuffed toys.
Another reason to donate: the Leroy Twp. Recreation Board benefits from your donations! Here are the statistics provided by St. Pauly Textile, Inc. for 2023:
- 12,911 pounds of clothing were donated to our shed in 2023.
- This was enough to clothe an estimated 2,378 people all over the world.
- Based on this volume of clothing, our organization (Recreation Board) received $516.
A parking ban resolution went into effect as of 12/11/19:
Parking on Township roads between the hours of 12 midnight and 7 am and/or when show has fallen that exceeds 2″ is prohibited.
The sheriff’s office may ticket or tow any vehicle found in violation. Please be cautious and courteous of others by refraining from parking on our roads when weather or darkness make it a hazard.
Mail-Box Policy Resolution (effective 12/29/08)
Leroy Township’s mailbox replacement policy: No “Rubbermaid” style mail boxes will be replaced. A value of up to $35.00 will be the maximum replacement cost. Leroy Township will only replace a mail box that has been damaged by a direct hit with the vehicle or snow plow. A mail box which has been damaged by thrown or pushed snow does not warrant replacement. The Township will replace or repair a mailbox damaged by DIRECT contact with the snow plow vehicle or plow blade with a standard 4 x 4 wooden treated post and mailbox as approved by the US Postal Service.
Road Use Maintenance Agreement (pdf)
For timber harvesting projects and infrastructure